Our GEMS Red T-Shirts, now in there 7th year have been a massive success with composers and guests alike. We are proud to continue on the GEMS Red T-Shirts tradition with you.
Each year we create and design bespoke GEMS Red T-Shirts exclusively for the faculty, guest speakers, instructors and composer participants on the GEMS Film Scoring Summer Program, Valencia, Spain.
They are AMAZING and unique to your program and year. It’s also a great way to feel part of something special, being together with all the other composers and faculty.
Once you have joined, you will be asked for your preferred GEMS Red T-Shirt size, small, medium, large or extra large and if you have a preference for either a male or female styled GEMS Red T-Shirt.
They will be ordered and available in your GEMS Welcome Pack on arrival day.
If you are attending on line, your GEMS Red T-Shirt and welcome pack will be sent to your registered address at the end of the summer program and usually take up to a week to arrive at your location, depending upon where you are in the world.
We look forward to welcoming you to the GEMS Film Scoring Summer Program in Valencia, Spain.
Program Location
C/ Ribera, 16 46002
Recording Location
Calle de Atocha, 65 Madrid 28012 España
Advertised dates, tutors, guest speakers and all program details are subject to change if required.
The Annual GEMS Red T-Shirts
First Day: 10 July 2024
Last Day: 23 July 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Attendance Options: Online, In Person, both
Film Scoring Summer Program Tuition Fee: 3095€
March Discount Summer Program Tuition Fee: 2595€
Film Scoring Summer Program Tuition Fee
with two RTVE Recordings: 3495€
GEMS RTVE Recording

Nigel Ashley Lees
Program Instructor

Christopher Young
Program Instructor

Garry Schyman
Program Instructor

Pete Anthony
Program Instructor

Juanjo Molina
Program Instructor

Álvaro Domínguez
Program Instructor

Program Instructor
GEMS RTVE Recording