My first day in beautiful Madrid was unbelievable. First of all I’m very lucky and grateful that I could make it and will be part of this amazing gems program #scorespain. Secondly that I could arrive 2 days before the program stars and can explore a little and enjoy gorgeous Madrid, as it’s my first time here.
Even though after long trip ( 8 hours flight without sleep) was sleepy and tired and I just couldn’t stay resting in the room. As my accommodation near Trinunal metro station and next to the Historic museum ( museo de historia de Madrid) it was a first place which I visited right after dropping my luggage.

What a beautiful architecture and interesting history. And also for my surprise the admission is free. So I recommend you guys to check it whenever you have free time.

Will tell you more about other interesting places soon.
Part of the GEMS 2019 film game and orchestration summer program Spain
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