I bet that title got you wondering what I’m on about, huh? Well, this week is going to be something a little bit different (along for the next few weeks). I’m going to be talking about one of the future participants for the 2019 program through the wonderful world of the web.
As the title suggests, our lovely participant for this week is Gabriel Evans. Gabriel is a 22-year old University student from Birstall, England, who is studying for a BSC in Psychology with the Open University (Milton Keynes, England). However, Gabriel is also a film-composer and loves to watch films (as is pretty much expected of any film-composer, of course).
Now, you might already be wondering “but how did a Psychology student get into film-scoring?” My thoughts, exactly, BUT listen to this – it’s not something you hear everyday (or well, read), Gabriel’s dad actually owns a company that sells stringed instruments! How cool is that? Gabriel must’ve had violins and cellos and double basses to spare when he was a kid! Although, I can’t see how a kid could play the double bass without the ending result involving a crushed child under a double bass…BUT anyways, fun right?!
So, Gabriel told me that he developed a very keen interest in film-music when he was a child, and in his words, “since then I’ve been quite obsessed with all aspects of it! I’ve been working as a composer on student films for a few years now. Nigel contacted me about the program and it just sounded amazing!” Well, way to go Nigel.
Gabriel has worked for a number of student films, the most recent being One Night More – a romance directed by a student at the University of Westminster (Louis Holder). This score is particularly dear to the composer, “that’s perhaps the score I’m most proud of!”, as he put it.
If you’d like to listen to his score, check it out on Gabriels SoundCloud page, which includes some cues for One Night More. Check it out! It’s some really moving stuff, it’ll make you feel all lovey-dovey and whatnot. Read on if you’d like to find out about some other work Gabriel has worked on!
As I’ve said, One Night More is of the romantic genre; this genre is particularly favoured by Gabriel, but besides that, he is also beginning to experiment with electronic music.
Now that you’ve got to know Gabriel a bit more and listened to his great music – what made him want to join the course? Perhaps it’s the same thing that will make you want to join the course! Well, firstly, Gabriel will be getting the chance to have his work performed by a live orchestra – Mad4Strings for the first time ever! No wonder that that will be a memorable moment for him, I know it sure was for me.
I also asked him what he’s looking forward to in the program, if anything in particular. Gabriel told us he is a fan of aalll the instructors, who will be: Pete Anthony, Christopher Young, Garry Schyman – all of which coming from Hollywood, in case you’re wondering. “Pete Anthony has worked on some of my favourite scores of recent years so being able to learn from him is a truly incredible opportunity!”.
Well, there you have it. I think you should join, Nigel thinks you should join, and of course one of our new participants Gabriel thinks you should join! So, follow this link for more information on the program: Join the Program - I’d like to remind all of you that the Early Bird discount is ending very soon, in just 3 weeks! It ends 31st December, so hurry up and get it – they’re selling like hot cakes!
Music examples from the GEMS summer program students:
To listen to some of Gabriel’s best stuff – visit Gabriel Evans Showreel Playlist on SoundCloud
Check out the soundtrack for another student film, Gurfa
Finally the video for Gurfa and accompanying music on Vimeo
Thanks for reading! Please, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for regular updates about the course, we’ve got loads more to announce.
Until next week!
Writen by the one and only Maria Borg
#GEMS2019 #ChristopherYoung #GarySchyman #PeteAnthony #filmscoring #music #composer #musicproducer #videogamescoring #videogamecomposer #Hollywood #uscscore #musiccomposerscores #filmscorecomposer #moviescoring #bestfilmscores #Madrid #Summerprogram #musiccourse #orchestralrecording #orchestration #musicformovies