GEMS visiting tutor Garry Schyman is a Bafta winning and Bafta Nominated composer for video game. Garry will be presenting his Scoring For Video Game Program this summer at the GEMS film, game, orchestration and orchestral recording program.
Garry's latest score is for the video game TORN, for Playstation. Garry will be teaching his program, and sharing his expertise, kraft skills and industry knowlage to you on the games scorings program. Don't miss it!
Check out the Scoring For Video Game Program with Garry Schyman
Stand alone program or part of the full program JULY 6TH-7TH

This program is an opportunity for composers who are interested in scoring for video game or cross over techniques between film and game scoring. Participants are taught amazing scoring craft skills, given assignment challenges and receive reviews of their compositions. Garry Schyman video game scores have brought critical acclaim and industry recognition, Garry is a BAFTA winning and BAFTA nominated Hollywood A list video game composer. Garry Schyman is one of the most impressive scoring voices in the genre of video game music, from Bioshock, Shadow of Mordor, Destroy All Humans, Shadow of War, to his latest composition for VR Game, Torn. Garry Schyman is Adjunct Professor at USC teaching in the world renown Screen Scoring program since 2010. A once in a life time opportunity to meet, study and be mentored by Garry Schyman.
What does the program offer?
This intensive program offers what the contemporary composer needs to know to work in games. The types of music used in video game and how they are differentiated. From getting started in game scoring to an overview, how it works and what affects it has on how the composer writes his/her score. Transferable compositional skills from game to film. A review of participant compositions or an assignment to be completed prior to the course reviewed by Garry Schyman.
Who should apply?
Participants attending this program will require an interest in Scoring for Video Game, and keen to create memorable game cues. Will want to learn new and additional compositional craft skills from a A list Hollywood game composer. Have an interest in composing, using combat, action, aleatoric techniques. Gain insights in to the specific software required and the process of composing and recording for Video Game. Understand working for a Video Game studio, client, director, producer. Participants who would like a critic of their music, and experience Video Game industry standard workflows and best practices taught by Garry Schyman.
What to bring
Enthusiasm, Passion, Originality! You will also need experience in music theory. Have ideas about composing for Film, Game & Visual Media. A laptop with a DAW installed, for example “Sibelius”, “Logic”.
Outcomes Once the GEMS Garry Schyman Video Game Program is successfully completed, participants can focus on incorporating compositions using combat, action, aleatoric techniques. Understand the affects of adaptive music on your compositions. Further understanding of Video Games software composition options. Understanding compositional diversity for Video Games. Meet and network with like minded composers. Use this experience to develop your professional career towards working in Video Gaming.
Message from Garry Schyman
Looking forward to seeing you in Spain, again!
In English The GEMS Garry Schyman Video Game Scoring Program, Spain will be delivered in English. You will need the ability to speak, understand and work in English. Bi-lingual Faculty support will be available during classes.
July 06: 10:00-18:30: Garry Schyman Video Game Scoring Program
July 07: 10:00-18:30: Garry Schyman Video Game Scoring Program
Please note, dates, tutors and details are subject to change
Lunch Times
City Centre, Madrid, Spain
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