Looking forward to welcoming students from 8 nationalities who will be joining us this year for the GEMS Christopher Young Film Scoring Program here in the amazing capital city of Spain Madrid.
Joining us blogging about the program will be 2 film composer students who will be writing a daily blog about the program, their experiences and what they get up to, and adding photos and videos for you all to enjoy.
So keep close for a full round up of the days events and highlights here.

Tags: #GEMS2019 #ChristopherYoung #GarySchyman #PeteAnthony #filmscoring #music #composer #musicproducer #videogamescoring #videogamecomposer #Hollywood #uscscore #musiccomposerscores #filmscorecomposer #moviescoring #bestfilmscores #Madrid #Summerprogram #musiccourse #orchestralrecording #orchestration #musicformovies #Hollywoodcomposers , #sebastianruiz #filmscoringprogram #filmscoringcourse #spain2019, #losangeles, #filmscoringmasterclass #gamecomposer #Hollywoodmusiccomposer, #gemscourses #cursodecomposiciondepeliculas #bandassonoras #AndresHernandez #gamescoring #scoringforscreen #filmscoring