Meet Clare Martyn – Life After GEMS
Clare Martyn is a brilliant Irish composer, drummer, percussionist and performer. Clare joined the inaugural GEMS program in 2017 (check out the highlights page and the live orchestra at the airport) . We caught up with Clare to see what she has been up to since the GEMS Film & Visual Media Scoring Program

This has been an amazing journey for me, I really enjoyed myself on the GEMS course with Christopher Young and all the amazing staff. Nigel was a key part in getting me over to Spain with all his expert advice and support! Thank you to you all for such a wonderful week of inspiration.
Life has been super exciting after the summer course, I am a professional Drummer/Percussionist and I have been playing every musical theatre show you can think of since the GEMS course. This means I am full time in music whether it be playing shows or composing for picture.
Since the course I have composed for many short films here in Ireland and absolutely loving it. At the moment I am also doing commercial song writing and singing and just in love with the process and the experience.
The Christopher Young course by GEMS was a super, super experience and I’d do it again in a heartbeat !
Thanks so much for all your support,
Clare Martyn.
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